Marathi Lagna Patrika Majkur.pdf
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Marathi Lagna Patrika Majkur: How to Write a Beautiful Wedding Invitation in Marathi
Wedding invitations are an important part of any wedding ceremony. They convey the joy and excitement of the couple and their families to their guests. They also reflect the culture and traditions of the bride and groom. In Marathi culture, wedding invitations are called Lagna Patrika (àààà àªàààààà) and they have a special format and style.
In this article, we will explain how to write a beautiful Lagna Patrika in Marathi using a template called Majkur (ààààà). Majkur is a poetic and formal way of writing a wedding invitation that follows certain rules and conventions. It consists of four parts: Vadhuvaracha Naav (àµàààµàààà àààµ), Vadhuvarancha Gharacha Naav (àµàààµààààà ààààà àààµ), Lagnacha Shubh Muhurta (ààààààà ààà ààààààà) and Aamantranacha Sandesh (àààààààààà ààààà).
Vadhuvaracha Naav (àµàààµàààà àààµ)
This part introduces the names of the bride and groom along with their parents' names. It also mentions their educational qualifications, occupations and hobbies if desired. The format is as follows:
<p>àààªààààààà à ààààµàààààà ààààààà àààààà à ààààà<br>
<b>àà.</b> ààààààà <span style=\"color:blue\">[Bride's mother's name]</span> ààà <b>àà.</b> àààà <span style=\"color:blue\">[Bride's father's name]</span><br>
<b>àà.</b> <span style=\"color:blue\">[Bride's name]</span>, <span style=\"color:blue\">[Bride's qualifications, occupation and hobbies]</span><br>
<b>àà.</b> ààààààà <span style=\"color:red\">[Groom's mother's name]</span> ààà <b>àà.</b> àààà <span style=\"color:red\">[Groom's father's name]</span><br>
<b>àà.</b> <span style=\"color:red\">[Groom's name]</span>, <span style=\"color:red\">[Groom's qualifications, occupation and hobbies]</span><br>
For example:
<p>àààªààààààà à ààààµàààààà ààààààà àààààà à ààààà<br>
<b>àà.</b> ààààààà àààààà ààà <b>àà.</Sure, I can continue with the next part of the article. Here it is:
Vadhuvarancha Gharacha Naav (àµàààµààààà ààààà àààµ)
This part introduces the names of the ancestral villages or towns of the bride and groom along with their surnames or family names. It also mentions their caste or sub-caste if desired. The format is as follows:
<p>ààààààà ààààà ààൠ<br>
<b>àà.</b> <span style=\"color:blue\">[Bride's village/town name]</span> (àà. <span style=\"color:blue\">[Bride's district name]</span>) ààààà <span style=\"color:blue\">[Bride's surname/family name]</span> (<span style=\"color:blue\">[Bride's caste/sub-caste]</span>) <br>
<b>àà.</b> <span style=\"color:red\">[Groom's village/town name]</span> (àà. <span style=\"color:red\">[Groom's district name]</span>) ààààà <span style=\"color:red\">[Groom's surname/family name]</span> (<span style=\"color:red\">[Groom's caste/sub-caste]</span>)<br>
For example:
<p>ààààààà ààààà ààൠ<br>
<b>àà.</b> àªààà (àà. àªààà) ààààà àààààààà (àààààà àààààààà) <br>
<b>àà.</b> àààààªàà (àà. àààààªàà) ààààà àªàààà (àààà)<br>
Lagnacha Shubh Muhurta (ààààààà ààà ààààààà)
This part announces the auspicious date and time of the wedding ceremony along with the name of the lunar month, day and constellation. It also mentions the venue of the wedding and the address if needed. The format is as follows:
<p><b><i>&#x2714;&#xFE0F;&#x2714;&#xFE0F;&#x2714;&#xFE0F;&#x2714;&#xFE0F;&#x2714;&#xFE0F;&#x2714;&#xFE0F;&#x2714;&#xFE0F;&#x2714;&#xFE0F;&#x2714;& 9160f4acd4